Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions.


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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Makkon: I wanted to draw this to also provide some clarification.

Katia in the comic, her current form, think of her as a level 2. Now imagine her at level 70. I challenged you to draw her with her power levels over 9000. Draw her de-spining an ancient dragon by punching it in the dick. Draw her wielding the legendary Daedric Greatsword of "Fuck You And Your Peasant Army". Draw her as the conquering hero that Tamriel needs, not the hero it deserves. Draw her as the strong, confident woman that she could one day be in the infinite permutations of spacetime, not as she is now. Draw Katia the way she can't see herself. Draw Katia happy being herself.

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Radian: @Makkon: So I should throw bunch of yesterday sketches into trash because NOT ENOUGH BADASSITY.
I need to make something more fit that description. I think I have an idea or two...

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Makkon: @Radian: No limitation to how many you can draw, post them all! Varying levels of badassery is acceptable.

This challenge is merely an observation of the current trend of the fanart page, just trying to get the community more pumped an involved as we wait for the update.

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Radian: @Makkon: I totally like this idea (and kinda jealous of your designs :\ )
But I have a little problem: if I try to make Katia BADASS she don't looks happy and then she's happy she don't looks even 50 lvl.
Also I think some of my previous pictures fit the challenge.

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Radian: Anyway thanks, you "shake" my imagination and it gave me some cool ideas.

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KillerfishSG: I really feel like drawing katia in some warframe armor :F

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Makkon: @Radian: She doesn't particularly have to be happy, or even any or all of those things listed. They are merely examples to help illustrate the intent of the challenge. If you draw her at level 50 and she is badass but looks unhappy, then draw it! She just needs to be powerful, or at the very least look capable.

@KillerfishSG: Doooo eeeeetttt.

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Vidiotdragon: That is a demon head of deep regret of life choices.

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Geravind: Khajiit can't recognize the armor -- steel? ...orcish?
Looks cool anyway!

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Kewot_Rokar: Katia's ancestor.

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AMKitsune: Damn, by the time the comic updates, we'll have gotten so used to this new 'Badass Managan' that 'Regular Managan' will seem like even more of a noodle armed pansy (and pansy that tries her best though, and that's what counts).
@KillerfishSG: YES! I don't really follow the whole Warframe thing but if you're putting your hand to it, it's probably going to be awesome.
@Geravind: Probably modded.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @KillerfishSG: Better be Valkyr's frame!

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Radian: She kinda looks like she got bored of being bad ass all the time :v