DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Betray your fellow mortals by reporting violated rules. Your continued existence is your only reward. Image Uploader Radian, April 23, 2016; 07:14 Tags artist:Makkon blood character:Katia_Managan Conjuration crossover daedra decapitation grievous_bodily_harm knock_off looking_badass magic mephala Official_Badass Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible April 23, 2016; 07:16 - Reply Radian: I think it should be here. Neat edit by some guy who don't have booru account. April 23, 2016; 07:49 - Reply BadReligion: And now Prince(ss) of Persia version plz. April 23, 2016; 08:50 - Reply notabigthreat: How about President of Iran? April 23, 2016; 12:42 - Reply unknown_victor: Is katia left handed or right handed (both?). April 23, 2016; 12:53 - Reply Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @unknown_victor: she's usually shown holding things with her right hand, so most likely Right handed. April 23, 2016; 15:50 - Reply Makkon: This feels like a natural progression. April 23, 2016; 17:29 - Reply AMKitsune: Isn't that just typical? She finally gets that brown paint out of her fur and now she's stuck with this? The life of a badass is truly fraught with obstacles to clean fur. June 18, 2016; 18:22 - Reply korblborp: WOW
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The life of a badass is truly fraught with obstacles to clean fur.
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