Deliver fleeting happiness to a fellow mortal. Comment on their works.


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Adroma: Don't ask why I made this, but would anyone like more of it?

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Vidiotdragon: We can get you the help you need Adroma. But you have to stop the drugs.

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notabigthreat: I sign up for more

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PermanentFace: Please no.

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Adroma: @notabigthreat: I need three votes. This took me an entire 20 minutes of my quality spare time. This is counting as one vote.
Negative votes don't count against future edits.
@Vidiotdragon: The drugs are too strong, I'm afraid.

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Geravind: Neg.

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Enheldor: I would love to see more.

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notabigthreat: No wait, I add a condition to my vote: consistent rendering.
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MetalC0Mmander: I guess I want to see more... at least to see if it's going anywhere...

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Drowsy-fox: I oddly want to see more to. So that's a yes from me.