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Suro: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15652902/test/index.html

Proof of concept thingy

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Looks really cool!

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furnut: great start :D

i like how double click = run too! :)

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Bakannon: Whoa, this is neat! I'd love to see this go further.

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AMKitsune: This is amazing! While what you've got so far is simple and quite limited, what is there is really well polished and runs nicely.

I'd also love to see this develop into something greater. It certainly looks like it has the potential for it .

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Suro: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @furnut: @Bakannon: @AMKitsune:
Awww you people <3
I'll work a bit faster to have the actual puzzle solvable!

I do have something "bigger" in mind (still not a ful fledged Monkey Island sized adventure) but first I wan't to finish the proof of concept thing and maybe add another character or two.

Also Kaz played it a bit on stream! He didn't hate it! So there is that!

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AMKitsune: @Suro: Damn it, I recently found out about that livestream to. Why did I have to not know about it until it was too late?

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Baz1S: @Suro: @AMKitsune: Where did he stream? Twitch, pandatv, steam or picarto?

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AMKitsune: @Baz1S: Picarto, I believe. No 'VOD' for us I'm afraid...

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Suro: @AMKitsune:
I was just randomly on/co/ for that. otherwise I wouldn't have known as well!

It was Picarto.
Kaz drew a buff argonian female barbarian. One can only hope that he (or whoever screenshotted this) will upload it. It looked pretty awesome!

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CoCoNO: It doesnt load 4 me

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Suro: @CoCoNO:
You might need to reload that page. Depending on your internet connection it might take a while. There are round about 15-20 mb of data you need to stream.

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makingfailure: Very neat! Writing is spot on and the animation is well timed :) Were you the one that suggested a prequel game jam by the way? or was that somebody else?

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Suro: @makingfailure:
I don't think I was alone with that suggestion, but I was one of 3 or 4 people.
It is rather easy to set one up in itch.io too :D
(I think)

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makingfailure: @Suro:Yeah, there were 4 on my count. I would never be able to finish in a game jam span of time though, so I'll just watch if anything does happen...

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Toryu-Mau: Cheers, M8. This feels like the start of something great.