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AGMsInbound: My current favorite piece of fanart. Finally replaced my last phone lock screen.

No clue who made this. My google-fu is weak. I've put down where I found it, but everything on joyreactor is in Russian, and I don't know anything beyond English and high-school passing Spanish. I translated the comments, and just found some fansnark about how there are no updates and "I would shout too, if my tail was broken in two places."

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Baz1S: We got a lot of prequel stuff! This one drawn by Tavei.

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RoninSmall: @AGMsInbound: it is Tavei art

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Toryu-Mau: Oooh, She Mad Bro.
This is why one must take care not to step on a Khajiit's tail.

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Vidiotdragon: I'd like to see this with the under layer anatomy guides off too.