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Geravind: Wow! Is there any water below?!

Her limbs look too thin at the ends -- well... swimmer, but still...

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Look out Below!
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Streetwind: Is it really Khajiit racism if the Khajiit host it themselves? :P

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tronn: There's water in the pool, but looks like Katia is going to miss it :D

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Vidiotdragon: Come on Katia, I know you'll make the meowst of it!

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Toryu-Mau: @Streetwind: I'd say it would be the equivalent of disabled people holding their own Olympics... oh, wait. They Do. It's fair that way.
Since Khajiits have such an advantage over others in regards to agility and dexterity, it would not be fair to have them partake in the same league as athletes of other race.
An entirely separate league seems like the sensible and fair thing to do, and people who call that racist doesn't know what the word "Fair" means.

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Bluedragon: Oh, it's just a blatant attempt to look at Katia butt. But a very SUCCESSFUL attempt I may point out!

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furnut: @Geravind: hm true. shes pretty thin here. quite a lot of swimmers/divers ive seen got thick thighs and muscular all around.

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furnut: @Bluedragon: shhh....we aren't supposed to talk about that >:3

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Geravind: @Bluedragon: Her face is the cutest detail here (aw, Khajiit wants to kiss her so much), and we don't talk about the Kvatch Mages Guild her butt (while looking at her butt XD ) here.

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SlashSeven: OhMyGawd what an adorable butt muzzle she has!