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BadReligion: 4 months? Optimist. : ^)

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: :v
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DistantRoarOfWar: Try a year and a half.

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DavidTheZettaNerd: I think Kaz is more stuck up in making snark about not updating than making the damn update.

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GlowSparkletBox: In the first picture she looks at her right hand, but on the second picture is drawn left hand. Magic?
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BadReligion: @GlowSparkletBox: Dammit, great chance to roast someone and I missed it. (>ლ)

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Dugar: I better be hurry too.

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compaqness: Yknow this got me excited and checked the site midway through. Darn it :u
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SomethingAfwl: does that mean i have a few more months to enter the gif contest?

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Geravind: Ты! ...тот самый автор, который милыми мордахами заставляет Кхаджита рефлекторно делать :3 ...а вообще молодец-молодец.

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Geravind: @GlowSparkletBox: In the furst picture she's looking "at the time", in the second picture she's showing us "the update kazerometer" -- watch the diffurrence.
Murreover, if her watch "was" four months ahead -- she has to catch up that future to have the watch on her wrist in the physical realm.
Defy stereotypes, analyze everything!

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Geravind: @GlowSparkletBox: And in the first picture she's addressing to some "boy" -- it might be Intercom on her right wrist.

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Toryu-Mau: Uh oh, Looks like she jumped the Snark!
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MetalC0Mmander: I've just realised that this is an edit of this picture. http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/3448

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Enheldor: We are very close to this coming true...