Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images.


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Tags artist:MikeyTheFox casually_underdressed character:Katia_Managan meme modern_clothing
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CoCoNO: No

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MikeyTheFox: Yes

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furnut: lololl so much dapping

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bluedraggy: I had NO idea what this whole dapping thing was that suddenly began popping up. I live in a cave I guess. Ended up having to look it up. And now that I have, I still don't 'get' it. But that's not unusual.

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Baz1S: @bluedraggy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRpJk1uERKA Here you go.

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MikeyTheFox: It's Dabbing Guys, with a B not a P haha

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Enheldor: @bluedraggy: I don't get this whole dapping or mannequin thing either. Just like I never got the yolos.

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Bluedragon: Thanks Baz1S - an actual honest informative video with no attempt at badly executed humor! Shocking! Also shocking, I live in the Atlanta area. Geography is no longer relative to social networking. Dabbing eh? Yeah... ok. At least I know what it is. That's something.

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MikeyTheFox: :V