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8Aerondight8: Another little animation probably the last for this year. Also tagging is a pain in the ass with the phone.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Great animation, it's silly and cute.

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sHiiNe: This was really good. it made me giggle like a little girl.

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8Aerondight8: The year is 2027. It is a time of great innovation and technological advancement. And prequel still hasn't updated. I never asked for this.

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Pepsidude: Adam Jensen recovered faster from being basically murdered and turned into a robot-man, than it took for Prequel to update.

Look out for those fruitflies.

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Vidiotdragon: I didn't yoyo for this.

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Preston_Garvey: link to previous please
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MetalC0Mmander: It's great but you forgot to have the animation reset it seems.

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Kazerad: @Pepsidude: well HE had a massive team of doctors, engineers, and fashion designers (mostly the latter) helping him! I probably have less than six.

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Pepsidude: @Kazerad: Well you either got two choices! Become a robot and get drawing augmentations, or force someone else to do that and have them be your art slave.

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CaptainLackwit: Probably the happiest Katia's ever been.

She doesn't have to rely on getting hit by spells anymore, and she can do even more stupid risky things thanks to Cybernetics! Not sure who'd pay for em though.

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8Aerondight8: @MetalC0Mmander: Fuuuuuuuuuu
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MetalC0Mmander: @8Aerondight8: Welll I opened this picture in private mode to work it out but yay I fucked someone's christmas!

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Kazerad: @8Aerondight8: I fixed it for you!

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8Aerondight8: @Kazerad: Thank you!

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Dugar: "Human nails and cat nails... YES!"

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Norad2: Fantastic work here, for sure!