Think before you post. Not even Stendarr will forgive you.


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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Gren: I'm not usually a fan of vampires but, DAYUM!!
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Rawrunes: underrepresented character in art
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BadReligion: ...bloodthirst

Does she have any blood supplies?

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Geravind: Hey, completely normal lady, you watched too much Internet -- your eyes are pretty tired. Go get some sleep ...this one can show, how to do it. =>_>=

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Kazerad: Deep philosophical question time: should this be tagged "Katia's Wizard Robe"?
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BadReligion: @Kazerad:

...what robe?

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AMKitsune: @Kazerad: It's more like "Katia's Wizard Cowl".
You could always use the full "Katia's Wizard Robe" tag but also include something like "Incomplete Outfit". That would get the message across.

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Dugar: Quick! Where is the jam?

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PermanentFace: I'd let her lick jelly off my neck, if you know what I'm saying.
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MetalC0Mmander: @PermanentFace: You'd let her bite your dick?

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Myeyah: Wait isn't this part of the clothing called a mantle?

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Beetleguy: Isn't she based off of a real person? Like, someone Kaz knows?

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Rick2tails: I signed up for an account just to comment on how nice this picture is. I should of signed up a long time ago.I`m a big fan of the comic

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Vidiotdragon: Did she always have that much hair?

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PermanentFace: @MetalC0Mmander: I'm saying I'd have sexual intercourse with her.

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furnut: oh hell yes.

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ThatFurrySqueeker: This makes me rethink everything I didn't like about vampires
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Micropipi69: Does anyone now who marceline from adventure time is?