Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images.


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SuperMightyhena: My commission from Kazerad came today! I'm so pleased to have this!

I also have no idea what I'm doing here. WHy is this flipped?!

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Bluedragon: 'dark' Quill Weave! "The night was DARK..." You are allowed to use this word I thought up for you, just be sure to credit me as a co-author.

But seriously don't sweat the flippedness - I'm sure some mod will correct that for you. Love picture but it makes me wonder, does she always write naked?

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SuperMightyhena: @Bluedragon: Quite possibly, it would fit her personality in Prequel. And I hate to be a burden on the mods, is there a way for me to fix this by myself?

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Bluedragon: Pretty sure there isn't.
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BadReligion: @Bluedragon: You think better being naked. :^)

No, I prefer to keep my pants on.

...well, we see here only her upper part.

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makimb0: @SuperMightyhena: >flipped
I feel your pain buddy

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SuperMightyhena: @makimb0: I take it this sort of thing happens often? or did it happen to you too?

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furnut: "The night was hot and sweaty, unlike certain scaled writers with this goddamn writer's block that aren't able to sweat. It's supposed to be the beginning of the new year, and it's still hot enough to unequip clothes.

Not that I mind. My "guest" has been going around in her birthday suit during the day indoors. I can't imagine her body temperature with all that FUR. It's a nice change of pace to stare at such a soft feline figure, in place of watching fish die. Oh that reminds me, I need to buy more fish.

I also need to buy a sticky hair rolly pin for picking up all the cat hairs that's been multiplying. It's a good thing I'm not allergic. Since I'm wasting ink, I might as well make a shopping list:

1. Fish (any)
2. Ink
3. Parchment (50 stack)
4. Scale Cleanser (bring 20% off coupon)
5. Candles (5)
6. Lotion
7. Tissue"

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Enheldor: @furnut: You forgot the sticky roller on the list.

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furnut: @Enheldor: oh right! see, i even forget things on imaginary shopping lists.