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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Why though

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Vidiotdragon: "You need a little insurance..."
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Streetwind: Hahahahaha. Definitely racist. :D

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chef555: NO!

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Bluedragon: This is so dead-on Kazaccurate it's disturbing!
And why is there a picture of two boobs on the wall?

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: @Bluedragon:I KNOW RIGHT
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Sunny: @Bluedragon: Eeh, it looks more like a pair of buttocks to me.

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Geravind: Kat-astrophical behavior detected!

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Toryu-Mau: What chu gonna do when she comes for your priceless Dwemmery artifact?
Nothing, jack diddly squat is what.
But you've got your self Imperial insurance, so it's all good in the end.
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BadReligion: And she even dare to look into eyes, ohhhhhh, such bastard.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: How did this become featured

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AMKitsune: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: I pressed a button.
If Katia existed in the 4th era and was a member of the thieves guild/walking racial stereotype, this is exactly how she'd do things. Plus, as far as the art/animation style emulation goes, it's spot on.