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AMKitsune: The result of tonight's stream. Mehrunes Dagon like watching Khajiits wiggle and squirm (but only because he thinks it's cute)

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Katia certainly doesn't seem all that worried about it, though!

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: I find it cute too! nice work as always, AMK.

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mister_kat: prety good in my opinion and cute!

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mister_kat: btw hows hand is that? quills?

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Enheldor: @mister_kat: Mehrunes Dagon

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mister_kat: ah ok

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8Aerondight8: This is very cute

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furnut: oh damnn thats very adorable wiggle and squirm

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Enheldor: Katia- "Please do not."
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Irixue_Lirium: If prequel goes the way of... A PREQUEL then I can't wait to see the part where the gates open and Kavatch gets murdered and burnt to shit and how katia somehow survives

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JacktheCreator: Dude, like come on bro... Racist, much? Unbelievable!!!