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Uploader cataphractz,
Tags accidents_happen artist:cataphractz Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow snow streets_of_Kvatch
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cataphractz: blep

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AMKitsune: It was bound to happen.

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Enheldor: I remember this movie! Next, Katia shoots her eye out with a red Rider!

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Enheldor: *Red

I wish we could edit comments.

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AlTan: @Enheldor: The word is not a sparrow. If it fly out, you can't catch it.
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BadReligion: @AlTan: SSOOOOOOO0oooooo...
Wanted to correct mistake before nazigrammars come or there's another thought that you can add? (scumbag brain), start multiplepost, then spam, which is better than edit option coz' word is a freakin' sparrow.
Gr8 m8 8/8.

Actually, didn't snow fell only trough magic happened and there's summer now?

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AlTan: @BadReligion: Thank for 8/8. Nobody have ever r8 me so g8. Actually, this proverb just discribe situation with remarks to a dot.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Or you can do that, yeah.

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PermanentFace: Of course. This is why we can't have nice things and/or updates. Katia's got herself stuck to a pole.

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Bluedragon: This is so perfect, and as AMKitsune said, it was absolutely inevitable. Cold metal pole. Bored sadcat. Yeah. This is exactly what would happen. Anyone got some hot water?

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protofun: Katia! Use fire magic!

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Rick2tails: Katia! you were supposed to pole dance not lick the pole!

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Unidentified_BA: haha this is great, good job!
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BadReligion: Now I reminded myself ...this

@AlTan: Np m8.
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BadReligion: http://youtu.be/QKk7g1Yisco

...see what'a mean?

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Atum_Doxhun: Now I see why there hasn't been an update

then she lost the oportunity of getting revenge on Sigrid and getting her stuff back and died of hypotermia

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Toryu-Mau: ( Face palms )
She did it, didn't she.