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compaqness: Doodled one of the comic panels when I'm supposed to be working. I specifically remember this was the point in the story where I actually choked up a little bit inside. It's been so long that I can barely remember the context, but all I know is that even when she tried her best, it didn't even pay off. That hits close ;-;

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Kewot_Rokar: I think when Katia threw the bottle to the ground in that chapel, I really started thinking about my own problems. It sounds really stupid, and it wasn't from this silly comic alone, but moments that made her question crap are when you start making connections man.

Great art!

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AMKitsune: A true 'sad cat' moment indeed.
Also, I went ahead and threw a handful of colours on it. Hope you don't mind.

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compaqness: @AMKitsune: Whoa! Super appreciate this, thank you!

@Kewot_Rokar: Thanks! On what you mentioned -- I do feel like Prequel has the potential to provoke some thoughts within readers. At the very least it'll remind people to reassess themselves every now and then.

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Rick2tails: what she needs is hugs stat! *hugs a kitty*

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Ditto: Found it
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MetalC0Mmander: @Ditto: Fuck I never realised Aggy had been hinted as existing this early.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: @MetalC0Mmander: You are not Aggy fangirling hard enough

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: @MetalC0Mmander: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: IF YOU DID YOU WOULD KNOW THIS

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Pepsidude: Aw, that is a very sad looking cat

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PermanentFace: Some seriously high quality fan-art lately.

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Pronin: @AMKitsune: Why do you guys have to be so much better at art than me?

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AMKitsune: @Pronin: Personally, as far as actual drawing goes, I'd have to dispute that. Colouring things in digitally, once you understand the concepts of layers and blending modes, requires surprisingly little skill. It's mostly a case of how much time do you want to spend working on something. As with most things, with practice, you'll naturally get faster and faster which in turn lets you work more on a project before you feel "I've had enough of this now". Now shading, that requires some skill and I'm still trying to get better at that.

As long as you have the time and will to make things, you'll slowly make better and better things. (Seriously, if you want to see the sort of progress that I'm talking about, look at my old gallery. http://amkitsune.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=/ . A lot of the older stuff is so crap and cringy by my current standards, I'm reluctant to show it the light of day, but if it helps demonstrate a point, so be it. Every other artist that you may consider 'good' will also have had a history of 'sub-par' work to. That's just how the path goes.)

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Pronin: @AMKitsune: I meant for my last comment as a joke. I know it takes time to get better at something.

I know I can be better at drawing. But because of my lack of proper computer drawing equipment, I'm stuck using pen and paper.