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Radian: It was "draw a dakimakura of your waifu" challenge.
Khajit waifu is the best waifu :^)

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Ditto: I'll take 20
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BadReligion: Rajirra version pls. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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Rick2tails: 10/10 would snuggle

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Geravind: Куча мелких неточностей мешает воспринять сию кисюху как одно целое, гармонично сложенное. А вообще за все моменты, в которые ты пытался в тут напрячься, молодец-молодец.
А теперь пасхалка для внимательных (на которую на моей мазне все забили =-_-= ): на ножках упрощённое число пальчиков, на ручках -- реалистичное. "Молодец, Кхаджит!... -- возьми с полки пирожок."

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furnut: yes yes yes yes yes

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PermanentFace: Is it just me, or is there even more porn here than there used to be?

Is it because Kazerad has forsaken us and in our anguish we have turned as a community to the hedonistic pleasures of the flesh?

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Rick2tails: nudity is not porn unless youre some religious fundamentalist or extremely sheltered

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CaptainLackwit: @Radian: Draw a dakimakura for your waifu challenge..? Ah geez... I'd kill for a Vetra Nyx dakimakura.

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PermanentFace: @Rick2tails: Sure, because this style of body-pillow nonsense is totally non-sexual and unintended to satisfy anyone's carnal appetites.

But seriously, I don't have much interest in arguing the definition of pornography on the internet. We both know people are jacking it to this stuff, but if you'd prefer to maintain your moral high ground and defend it all as simple art, hey, knock yourself out.

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Dugar: Better than the other

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Enheldor: @PermanentFace: If you define porn as something you "jack" to, then anything is porn.

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PermanentFace: @Enheldor: Just as well I didn't offer that definition then, eh? Like I said, I'm not interested in nailing down some incontrovertible definition for you to believe in.

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XenoYparxi: I wonder what kaz thinks about this kind of fan art

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Pronin: @XenoYparxi: I'm pretty sure that Kaz just doesn't really care anymore and just accepts that we're weirdos.

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Rick2tails: if liking Katia makes me be weird I dont want to be not weird ;)

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Geravind: @XenoYparxi: Ему плевать на вас (вёдра), он слишком занят неделанием упдэйта.

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Pronin: @Rick2tails: It's not liking her that makes you weird. It's what you would want to do with her that makes you weird.

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Rick2tails: @pronin now now. that "weird" stuff is how your mommy and daddy made you ;)

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PermanentFace: @Rick2tails: Have you even READ Notes on Racial Phylogeny? It doesn't work like that! :P

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unknown_victor: @furnut: @Rick2tails: @Enheldor: you lot have given me an idea!

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Kaaz: @Rick2tails Uhhhhhhh
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Enheldor: @unknown_victor: Oh boy, I can't wait.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: Must... not... fap... must... not... become... disgusting... furry *hysterical screaming mixed with confused screaming*

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Vajjra: @Geravind
Что привело тебя в такие дальние края, путник из России? Ты тоже путеществуешь в интернете от страницы к странице фанарта в поисках годноты?

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DOOMGUY11: Dang is it watercolor?! Now that is skill!