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Rick2tails: mistakes happen. and hey its not like that bar was really all that clean overall anyway

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Enheldor: I'm just glad he's cleaning it up. Setting a drink in a sticky spot then picking it up later is one of the worst bar experiences.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Why is this questionable

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mrojo27: how did it get sticky...?

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Enheldor: @mrojo27: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Possibly why it's questionable.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: @Enheldor: Yeah, but, like, I don't think just this would be enough to warrant questionable.

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Rick2tails: a combination of the bartenders askew clothing (as in its been put back on hastily and not 100% completely ) and a sticky counter top plus this is a follow up to a previous picture involving a naked bartneder by Kaz makes this questionable.

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Sanded: @Rick2tails: Ah right I saw that image... somewhere. Seems I always miss the 'good' streams.

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tronn: Wait, what, naked bartender where!?

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Mezhik: @tronn:

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Rick2tails: hey more naked bartender? yay! also @tronn I posted what Kaz drew for me of the bartender on my Fa page if you want to see it.Its on the account with the same name I use here.