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Uploader makimb0,
Tags artist:Makimb0 character:Katia_Managan Katia's_wizard_robe monochrome sketch
Source Unknown
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makimb0: Slowly crawling out of the uncanny valley.

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makimb0: change to

We need an edit button cause I'm the type of person that finalizes what I write after I post it.

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Pronin: Nice work! I love the way you did the eyes and feet. I can tell this took a few attempts, especially around the head.

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makimb0: @Pronin: Thanks! And yea, I'm having the most difficulty making the head come out the way I want it right now, but I'll get it down eventually.

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Rick2tails: practice makes perfect (or close to it anyway! ) keep drawing Katia and youll have her looking as you want eventually. this is cute if a bit rough

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makimb0: @Rick2tails: Yeah, I'm getting there. It's definitely a lot better than a couple months ago!

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DoubleTapMaster: OMG, i really like that "cartoonish" Katia! You should draw more of it! ^3^

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makimb0: @DoubleTapMaster: Thanks mane. I don't draw very frequently though, but I'll try to draw more whenever I have extra time!