The only reward you shall receive is eternal pain and maybe a comment or two.


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Furrymoan: By sheggo, this took a while.

The commands used were everyone asking for plot. Also thanks to the people in disqus who helped me design AMthiccsune and Unidentified BirbA.

As always get them prompts ready

Next update will probably feature less text because christ do you know how much work it is painting individual letters onto frames in photoshop

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Enheldor: Grahp: be not dead and team up with Ebil Kaz.

Kazerad: Extrapolate

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Pronin: Unidentified BirbA: Explain to Kaz why he's so important to all of this.
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picartosux: Dear god... it's... so beautiful... My eyes are tearing up It's still getting better, how are you managing this? Anyway, not sure what commands are applicable here, but:

>Kazerad: Ask if there's a way to beat Ebil Kazerad and ask if he has any other minions under his control (*coughgrahpcough*).
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Megamaxmax: Kaze: Be a hero
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Furrymoan: @picartosux: Wow, you lot REALLY want grahp huh?

Guess I'll have to comply. Next update will just clear up some of the hero stuff here, and then we'll have a look at what the big bad is up to.

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Xeredek: D U D E T H I S S H I T I S S O C O O L L I K E B Y T H E G O D S

I second the request for grahp
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Furrymoan: Bonus: http://i.imgur.com/9mi6ZwN.jpg
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Furrymoan: @Furrymoan:

Fuck, I meant:


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OhHiThere: I literally just made an account to say how great this is, cuz it's great

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: This is actually one of the most retarded shit that I have ever seen in the best way possible, ever.

I have no idea how this came to be but I guess it did and holy shit do we only now realize that we needed this in our lives.

Thank you for making this exist.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Just, thank you. You beautiful human creature you.
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Sunny: >Kazerad: Identify BA
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Furrymoan: @Sunny: I'm sorry Dave, I can't let you do that.
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Anonymous_Person: This is the best thing to come out of the hiatus.

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Pronin: @Anonymous_Person: What if this goes on hiatus?

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Mhauhz: @Pronin: I'm gonna cry, and I'm not even a cat!

Wished I had good commands to issue. Things like
>>> KAZERAD: Question hero status

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Mhauhz: Also, I wonder if everyone is inside suits? (yesh kazz a furred shudap)
Does this mean there's still chance for Grape to be just a male Grape Jelly?

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Furomone: @Mhauhz: Grape just actually looks like that. No genitals, no eyes, only weird magic grape juice and fur.

Am is definitely wearing a suit, BA is just in some gear.

The rest... Who knows?

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Pronin: @Furomone: So, two people in fursuits, one made of grape magic juice and fur, and an actual kitsune. Is that correct?

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Furomone: @Pronin: And a massive fucking red hawk. Yeah, more or less.

But who knows that might change~

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Pronin: So, update when?

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Furomone: @Pronin: I'm working on it, but I already had a test today, I have a practical test in CSS tomorrow, and a physics exam on friday. It might take a couple days, sorry.

Then again it's almost done. Thursday maybe.

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Pronin: @Furomone: That's fine. Just be careful with how much you're working on.
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picartosux: @Furomone: Dude, we don't have to tell you that your studies need to come first. You can do whatever you want once it's all over, but passing your exams is always a priority, we can wait.

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Enheldor: @picartosux: Apparently we do need to remind people that health and studies come first. The people around here are an impatient bunch, and other people like to please people.
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Furrymoan: @Enheldor: But working on this is so much fun! I use it as a reward for myself.

Also the amount of positive reinforcement here is amazing. Love you lot.

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Pronin: @Furrymoan: Are you doing this by yourself?
Do you need help with anything?

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Enheldor: @Furrymoan: That's fine, just don't overdo it.
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Furrymoan: @Pronin: I'm good, cheers. Involving too many random online people in a project like this rarely turns out well, and in any case, it really isn't the end of the world if one shitty pixel animation arrives a few days late on some furry webcomic.
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picartosux: @Furrymoan: *some furry webcomic about a creator of some furry webcomic based on TES and his friends. 'tis the world we live in.
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ElstientheFallenKnight: MY BRAIN HURTS!!!

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GNFS: AM. A. M. Not just Allied Mastercomputer but AM. Cogito ergo sum: I think therefore I am!

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Tobuzzu: This feels like a fever dream