All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names.


main image

Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Furrymoan: Whew, that took a while.

Not because of any especially difficult animation, mainly cause of several tests and stuff.

Prompts used were the countless people asking for Grape to be relevant.

Good job, you unleashed an insane purple feline assassin on our heroes.

More on that next episode. Feel free to submit prompts, for any of the characters. Thanks for taking the time to read through this. Thanks for following this silly thing in general. I love you all.
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Furrymoan: Fuck, asking for Grahp to be relevant, not Grape.

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Pronin: This taste...is the taste of grape...Grahp!

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Pronin: Why can we submit prompts if you said the overall idea of the storyline is pretty finished? Wouldn't that just negate the point of prompts?

Grahp: Go get Kaz's corpse.
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Furrymoan: @Pronin: I mean, prequel's overall story is planned out, and we still get to submit prompts there.

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Bakannon: Holy crap, I don't know how I didn't notice these things before, but I just got caught up and my god man, good work. I like the idea that the update is taking so long the community was resorted to participating in its own mini series, it's kind of dumb in the best way, keep up the good work.

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Pronin: @Furrymoan: I just wanted to point that out. I'm still going to submit prompts, just want to be involved with the story in some way.

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Xeredek: How do you make these, by the way?

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Pronin: @Xeredek: Photoshop is used to make these.

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Enheldor: Kazerad: Extrapolate
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Furrymoan: My ultimate goals for this thing are:

* Finish it properly before Katia:Inflitrate

* Make it popular enough so that somebody makes a mod where I can use grape-based magic in Skyrim/Oblivion/Morrowind/whatever

* Successfully distract Prequel's readers (including myself) from the gaping hole in our lives that has gone unfilled for mear on two years

* Get acknowledged by everyone in the comic (not including GRAHP, rest in peace friend)

So far none of these seem unrealistic and that makes me really happy

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Pronin: @Furrymoan: Don't distract us too much or you might distract us from the update when it comes out.

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Grape: @Furrymoan: Can we just replace the actual Kazerad with you? I don't know, but the quality:update ratio is godlike in comparison.

Also Grahp may be dead, but he lives on in all our hearts.

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furnut: Furrymoan has now partially achieved one goal. Grape-sama has recognized thee.
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Anonymous_Person: How are you so awesome? Also, GRAHP YES!
Double also:

Grape: Sense a disturbance in the For-I mean, universe.

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Mhauhz: → Kazerad: question herohood
→ Commenters: be
→ Grahp: be green grape :3

I knew eventually I'd command-bomb you like I did to Kaz.
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Furrymoan: Holy fuck

thanks grape, youre alright mate

sorry for making you a purple fruit juice based feline person

Anonymous_Person, I don't know, I guess Alkosh made me this way

Mhauhz: command bomb all over my body bb

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Enheldor: @Furrymoan: Kinky.

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Grape: @Furrymoan: N'awww, you're alright too <3

And to be fair, given the choice of all forms, who WOULDN'T be a fruit juice based feline?
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Furrymoan: @Grape: I mean

It's definitely not the WORST fursona out there

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Karizma: no way this is sick