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Uploader Lykozze,
Tags artist:Lykozze character:Katia_Managan crossover Golden_Sun surreal
Source Unknown
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Lykozze: I know what you are thinking: "WTF is that abomination?!" If you can tell me on what creature this Katia is based on you will be rewarded one internet point!

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Pronin: Mew from pokemon?

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Lykozze: @Pronin: That's a good guess, if it weren't for the head. It's a little more exotic than pokemon.

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Vidiotdragon: Looks like something from neopets or that weird flash adventure game.
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Furrymoan: It looks like it could live in a cavern in morrowind
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Fallout?

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PermanentFace: @Lykozze: Digimon? Beast Signer?
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notafurryipromise: Fire Djinn from Golden Sun.

How bow duh
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notafurryipromise: @notafurryipromise: *Mars

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Lykozze: @notafurryipromise: Yes, we have a winner! I guess it was pretty obvious with the connection to fire and stuff. Then again, not everyone knows Golden Sun.
Here is a Mars Djinn:
<img src="https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/goldensun/images/9/98/MarsDjinniGif.gif/revision/latest?cb=20090612062044">

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Lykozze: @Lykozze: Well, I could not have messed up that link more than I did... Just believe me that they look pretty similar, except the color, the ears, feet and the tail.
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notafurryipromise: @Lykozze: Sweet!! :) For a moment I thought Kewne from Azure Dreams, but that's obscure af

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Darth_Vader: Abra Pokémon Katia Managan edition

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damrok4321: Kinda looks like kagouti