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BlakeWolf5113: Here you go Cam. Part: 1, out TODAY. So yes this is my first REAL art on the booru, and I was gonna give my explanation behind creating this but I don't really wanna. Anybody feel free to add some color, and if you have questions just ask.

Your friend, Numerical.

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BlakeWolf5113: Oh crap I just realized it's sideways. WELP! dunno what ta do bout that. ANYWAYS, enjoy.
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Furrymoan: beautiful

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BlakeWolf5113: @Furrymoan: Thahk many ; )

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makimb0: @BlakeWolf5113: Don't worry, mang, it's all good.

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Enheldor: @makimb0: In class, we were given these scanned pages of a book in a PDF. Whoever scanned them did so sideways. Everyone else was taking forever trying to rotate the PDFs to read them, but I did what you did and finished way before everyone else. My professor thought it was funny, but it was honestly just faster and easier.
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Context plz m8

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makimb0: @Enheldor: Working smarter, not harder, I see! Haha nice story, also don't forget about CTRL+SHIFT+(arrow key)

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makimb0: @makimb0: CTRL+ALT* oh my god we need an edit function.

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makimb0: @makimb0: This mistake is going to haunt me for like two hours

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BlakeWolf5113: @makimb0: lol

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BlakeWolf5113: @makimb0: I know, I feel you man. I'm a perfectionist. That's why this art took my so frickin long to make. Because I wanted to be good. And according to yall, it was!

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BlakeWolf5113: @A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Okay so you are probably wondering why they are angry. Right? I first was going to draw this when I had a conversation with Cam about a Kaz stream and got really angery, but was too lazy to do it then, so instead I uploaded other art. Anyways, now I think it kind of represents the emotion right now in the comment section.

Any other questions?

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BlakeWolf5113: @BlakeWolf5113: Oh and just on that note, for some reason ASOTIL was particularly really hard to draw. is does look wierd at all to any of you guys? Cause I think he does.

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BlakeWolf5113: And sorry to load like a ****ton of comments on my own art but one more thing. Whomever gave me the tag sideways,


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Rick2tails: even normal human girl is angry at the delays. what would be funny is to draw a happy smiling bartender on the same page as everyone else frowning/annoyed/mad

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BlakeWolf5113: @Rick2tails: I don't get the first thing you said (Are you talking about Nah?), but I might be able to squeeze that in in Part 2 of Angry Cat, Making a cat enraged: The Fanadventure

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Rick2tails: normal human girl is the name i use for the not a vampire just wants to lick grape jelly off of your neck gal