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MudcrabWalker: Poor Katia Hello darkness my old friend

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Mhauhz: That's unexpected!
I mean, she's neither blind nor invisible.
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ElstientheFallenKnight: @Mhauhz: I guess the effect wore off who knows how long but its been 2 fucking years that the invisibility and blindness wore off

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evjikshu: @Mhauhz: i wonder if anyone still remember why there is a snow there in the first place.

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CaptainLackwit: @evjikshu: Well yeah, they're in Bruma.

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damrok4321: @evjikshu Aggy made that snow. He didn't want Katia to be wet becouse of rain. Always freeze is better than being wet :P

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Enheldor: @CaptainLackwit: Pretty sure that's Kvatch, not Bruma.