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Bluedragon: I got permission from Budnick to color Kaz's sketch. So I did this thing. I had a LOT of time on my hands though. So I made a couple alternate versions. Nothing too bad but I'm already taking liberties with the sketch so this is the official version.

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AMKitsune: @Bluedragon: I'm not entirely sure what it is, but there's something about the way you clean up, colour and shade these pictures that just works so well for Kazerad's style. It also gives these images a uniquely recognisable style of their own.

Would you perhaps be willing to link the other versions in the source? I'm sure people would love to see them as well.

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Bluedragon: REALLY? To be perfectly honest, I kinda want to hear it's okay from Kaz though. I'll just be blunt - I put physics-defying cleavage and nip bumps on it. I'm honestly afraid I may have (gently) pissed off Kaz with a recent edit to a Rick2Tails commission. But when I hear something like that from YOU, well... okay. It's just on my tumblr. I'll put it in the source field.

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AMKitsune: @Bluedragon: Well, you know, booru content guidelines still stand, but provided that you're not linking to anything outright pornographic, I fail to see how linking to something that sounds like it would be classed as 'questionable' would be an issue. Then again, I'm not speaking for Kaz here, just as someone who likes seeing what people are coming up with and wouldn't mind seeing more. If you don't think your alternate versions are really suitable to be linked here, don't feel that you should just because I suggested it.
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picartosux: @Bluedragon: I don't think you can anger Kaz by adding nipples, especially since he draws them himself when he's drunk enough.

Nice coloring though. My only problem with it is that the shading is a bit too... smooth for Kaz's artstyle. It's not actually too bad, it just seems a bit "off" to me.

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Bluedragon: I'm with you picarto. Kaz invariably does hard edges and I've yet to feel confident enough to do that. Next one though I'm going to give it a shot. Fuzzy edges seem to cover for a lot of screwups. :)

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Budnick: @Bluedragon: Wow, this is terrific, nice work Bluedragon!
I'll echo others' compliments, and add that I love that you not only retained the scribbly, seeing-double "drunken" speech bubble from Kaz's sketch, but looks like you even punched it up a bit. It was a clever part of the joke in the original sketch, but easier to overlook in B&W. Looks perfect here! You rock.