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picartosux: Most people here wouldn't understand the references in this image, since Kaz and BA was playing ESO as "snake people" (slim argonians) on the stream, plus BA calling lionesses "half-lions" and male lions "full lions".

And also here's a bonus screenshot from the stream: http://i.imgur.com/w8rJBpn.png

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realbboy: You should praobly also explain that Kaz was playing mostly without armor because he felt the game was to easy.
What I'm wondering is why the lioness's eyes and Quill-Weaves upper body are blurred. She's a reptile, right?

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JaHannar: How did you draw this so fast?

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Pronin: @JaHannar: It's not hard if you know what you want and know what to do.

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Ditto: Reminds me of the argonian sorcerer I made called "Enchant-Men"

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makimb0: @picartosux: I took some screenshots from when we were playing ESO, in case anyone wants them.

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makimb0: @makimb0: And here are some more screenshots BA uploaded http://imgur.com/a/VK0wa

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BlakeWolf5113: @picartosux: Thanks for the screenshot.

But actually, that was really one of the only parts I saw. I did see some of the other parts, as I was going in out of the stream, so I don't understand this, but it looks funny.
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ElstientheFallenKnight: I jump over lion, heck off pls, I am neked snek.

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Rick2tails: nakked lizzerds!