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Radian: Some brushwork experiment.
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: My god

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Radian: @Pronin: I use krita with my own brushes: https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=274&t=137532
The brush I used here not in pack yet but I'll update it very soon.

About 98% of this was done with Oils_1 brush, it feels very nice and mix colors wonderfully but paintery effects like here is kinda tricky, I still learning how to work with it. You'll need tablet with tilt support (for brush rotation) but you can use direction with angle lock, should be pretty close. And check other oils brushes too.

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madmanransom: @Radian: AHA! A fellow Krita user. You too are a man of culture, I see.
A toast to you, sir.

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Radian: @madmanransom: Thanks, hehe

@Pronin: Sai is good program but it's very simple, you can do a lot more in other programs. Also krita is cheaper ;) Btw I came to krita from sai.
PS updated brushpack.

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Radian: @Pronin: Krita have hotkey scheme for "from sai" users. But I personally don't use default hotkeys and my scheme highly customized.
For fill tool: check "fill entire selection" or "limit to current layer" in tool options. I use hotkey that fill all layer though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Geravind: @Radian: Ухи не котиные, дюндель маленький, переносица чё-т не аллё.
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