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Kastor: Given I only really started practicing digital art 5 days ago... this is okay. But still nowhere near where I want to be. How do people draw clean curves, seems impossible to me, guess it's just practice.

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AMKitsune: @Kastor: A small handful of programs have 'brush smoothing' features that smooth out your pen/mouse movements, Paint tool SAI has special 'lineart' layers which let you draw lines then easily drag parts of them around as you see fit, there's a program called Lazy Nezumi which adds that brush smoothing feature to pretty much any program you want (I use it and it works really well), but the way most people seem to handle smooth curved lines is to have their fingers on ctrl+z (undo) and try drawing their line in a single, quick, fluid motion. If it isn't right, undo and try again and again until it's perfect. It's practically impossible to get a nice, smooth line when you draw it slowly on a computer (unless your working with a low resolution image). The mouse/pen cursor just wiggles around too much.

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Radian: Clean curves is not the thing you should care about now. Learn fundamentals, perspective, anatomy, lights and shadows and shit. Apply it to your pictures. This picture definitely doesn't looks like made by someone with 5 year of practice (no offense).

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AMKitsune: @Radian: While those are also valuable things to understand and eventually master, if something as simple as line smoothness brings a sense of quality to an artists work, wouldn't that go towards building a sense of pride in their work that would consequentially give them more desire to keep drawing and get better with practice?

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MikeyTheFox: @Kastor: I suffer shaky hands when I draw. I can never get smooth or clean lines no matter what. Even though I have very still hands, I just tend to shake when I draw. This is something that's always bothered me for the longest time. As AMK said, some drawing programs have a "brush smoothing" feature. I myself use Paint Tool SAI. It has a stabilize feature that can make lines very smooth and very clean when I draw. It took time to get used to it. But I enjoy it very much.

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Radian: Oh shi... for 5 days it's definitely not bad! I'm probably too used to see\hear about years of practice, 5 days is not much to learn how to be good artist. Keep practicing.

@AMKitsune: Imo high quality line art isn't the most important part of art. If you can do it - good, if you just draw lines in pretty much right place - it's probably enough. And eventually you'll learn how to draw lines good enough just by practice art.

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Kastor: Ah yup... using Firealpaca (I like it's simplicity... and freeness) turns out that it's smoothing option was right there on my screen all along. "correction"

Oh man that's so much better. Now to focus on the rest of it.