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damrok4321: In my case, I know not enought about what Rajirra was feeling that time, when she abandoned Katia. Maybe she was too scared, or maybe just under sigrid influence and something just forced her to be not nice to Katia. We need just wait for update to notice behind what emotions this bahavior was hiding.

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damrok4321: and she is also cute ;3
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Asperger_kitten_1337: Screw you Rajirra!

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furnut: This is too cute for her. MY PANTS IS CONFUSED.

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Rick2tails: she is hot. but shes mean and bitchy to Katia so *HATES* !
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BadReligion: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

10/10 would hug

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Geravind: No, don't break her neck by spinning her head like this ...yet.

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CaptainLackwit: She's still super pretty.
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CTG: Me thinks that's my gloved hand!http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/ext/emoticons/default/pleased.gif
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CTG: @Pronin: Can't a guy dream?
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CTG: @Pronin: I know, (Dreaming quietly).