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Uploader Quintus,
Tags actual_talent artist:Kazerad character:Katia_Managan stringed_instrument stylized
Source Unknown
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Asperger_kitten_1337: wallpaper material

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realbboy: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Everything material.

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bluedraggy: New t-shirt for sale when?

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Rick2tails: this is very pretty
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Asperger_kitten_1337: if this doesn't get featured i'll be really sad

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Enheldor: @Pronin: He can, but prefers not to feature his or mod's artwork to seem as though he's not showing favouritism. Although, when the community got to decide (by community, I mean me), I got him to feature one by him that I commissioned.

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Norad2: Was this a commission or did he draw it because he felt like doing so?

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madmanransom: The fucking Celts are at it again.
I must reach out to my Germanic ancestors so we can put a stop to this shit.
ᚠᚢᚦᛏ ᛏᛁᛚ ᛅᚦ ᛏᚱᛁᛒᛅ
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Pronin commission, oh
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LutheranWolf: I made an HD wallpaper of it https://imgur.com/gallery/G1PSy
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Asperger_kitten_1337: noice

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madmanransom: The fucking name of the image is

Holy shit dude, I love little coincidences like this.

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madmanransom: @LutheranWolf Forgot to include the name here

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Vidiotdragon: https://youtu.be/RlGCXN4bs1U?t=17

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LightWave: @madmanransom:
When you're rife with devastation
There's a simple explanation:
You're a toymaker's creation
Trapped inside a crystal ball

And whichever way he tilts it
Know that we must be resilient
We won't let them break our spirits
As we sing our silly song

When I was a little kitty, a galloping blaze overtook my city
So they shipped me off to the orphanage. Said, "ditch those roots if you wanna fit in"
So I dug one thousand holes to smoking heap of charred coal now
Memories are blurred, and their faces are obscured, but I still, know the words to this song

When you've bungled all your bangles
And your loved ones have been mangled
Listen to the jingle jangle
Of my gypsy tambourine

'Cause these chords are hypnotizing
And the whole world's harmonizing
So please children stop your crying
And just sing along with me.

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Enheldor: @LightWave:
Step one: Try not to be so self-conscious
Two: Shift your weight into your haunches
Three: Give a leap into the air and
Four: Just forget your parents are both dead!

Chin up! Even if you're not adopted
It's not because you are unwanted
But it might help if you were magic
Not just a boring ugly pink earth pony who nopony will ever love because you're unworthy!