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lazyradly: I created a Quill Weave race. It's going to be included in a race mod pack I'm creating.

When will that be? No ETA, but Quill Weave is one of the races I've pretty much finished.

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bluedraggy: OMG! The stories I could do, the havoc I could wreak with this! The mind boggles! I will be patiently awaiting that mod pack. Keep up the good work. Katia looks totally out of place in Skyrim, but with other characters in the same cartoony style it might be glorious!

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lazyradly: @bluedraggy: Same, I would like to see a Prequel Race Pack. Unfortunately I don't really have the skills to create 3D models from scratch. (Well, decent ones that are accurate to the webcomic anyway). Though maybe in the future I MIGHT experiment on creating Orcs and such. (No promises though)

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AMKitsune: Is that... a self censoring Katia model? Clever.

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lazyradly: The censor bars and Katia race are actually two separate mods created by the same author (FancyPants).

Censor bars aren't released officially though, but you'll find a link on the page of his Irritable Bowel Syndrome mod.

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Rick2tails: @bluedraggy you mean it will be glorious!

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bluedraggy: Yes indeed! Though I probably won't be installing the censor bar mod.

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PermanentFace: I still don't understand the point of these mods. Prequel is meant to be a stylization of the TES graphics. Reintroducing that stylization into actual games while leaving all the other characters the same seems weird to me.

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MikeyTheFox: O: I want so much

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lazyradly: @PermanentFace: The point is: there's no Quill Weave race out there and it seemed easy enough to make one. And because I felt like it.

Yeah like I said, I would love to see a "Prequel-ized" races pack, but I just don't have the ability to model the humans/humanoids.

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Raydio: The yellow on katia Should be more neutral, but other than that this looks pretty damn good

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lazyradly: @Raydio: Now that you mentioned it, I never noticed Katia was supposed to be of a lighter color. Thanks!

Also with the mod she came from, you can easily change her into that neutral yellow or make her completely blue if you want.

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furnut: Cute Quill :3

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lazyradly: I should probably rephrase what I said before: I do have an ETA on the mod release. It will be released the same (if not the day after) Crimes against Nature for Skyrim Special Edition gets released.

When will CaN for SSE be released? No ETA for that. But I can say it's going to be a major and really awesome update.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: uhh... aren't you supposed to help Kat with her alcohol problem, QW?

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realbboy: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Remember that time where she said she would be drinking water but put clear rum in her drink? Yeah.

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mr_cat: wen skyrim mods have gone waaaaaay to far

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Enheldor: @mr_cat: This is too far? They've barely even started.

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