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Tags artist:Kazerad beautiful character:Rajirra fanfiction smiling song_and_dance
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Sashimi: May I present, the loveliest khajiit in Tamriel! Kaz did this for a story I'm writing about Rajirra's earlier years. It turned out exactly as I had imagined!
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Asperger_kitten_1337: i arleady have a hard time *no pun intended* to choose a waifu

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Sashimi: @Pronin: He was trying to remember what her color was when he did this, I'd just look at it as her fur was darker when she was younger or chalk it up to the sun is setting, giving her a different tint.

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Rick2tails: simply beautiful!

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Rick2tails: back before she became an angry bitter person

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Sashimi: @Rick2tails: My thoughts exactly!

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Sashimi: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Puns welcome.

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Sashimi: @Rick2tails: Yep,that's the idea.

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Sashimi: @Pronin:
KLM=Khajiit Lives Matter, end the racism!

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realbboy: @Sashimi: I'm sorry I have to say this, but Khajiit are dumb, but dark elves are dunmer.

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Sashimi: @realbboy: You just had to say it!
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Nafaalilargus: Minden macska ugyanaz

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Sashimi: @Nafaalilargus: Khajiit szerint ez rasszista.

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realbboy: Miért beszélünk magyarul?

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Sashimi: @realbboy: Tis a good question.

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realbboy: Az út vezethet, hogy meleg homok.

Does anyone here actually speak Hungarian or are we just butchering the language with online translators?

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Sashimi: @realbboy: I figured Nafaalilargus did. But me, oh I'm hackin' it!

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Sashimi: @Sashimi: Sent you a PM by the way.

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Sashimi: @realbboy: I meant I sent you a PM realbboy.
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Nafaalilargus: @realbboy: you're shitting on my language>:(

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realbboy: @Nafaalilargus: This is what happens when you randomly start speaking other languages: you force people to resort to online translators to try to understand you, and maybe reply :P

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PermanentFace: Damn Russians. With their auto-translated posts and non-auto-translated exchanges.

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Toryu-Mau: @Rick2tails: Then the Imperials came, and salted all her Slaughterfish fillets.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Wait, this was Ra'Jirra? Holy shit
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: i know right

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Sashimi: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Yes, this is her in an earlier time.

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CaptainLackwit: Whoa.

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Sashimi: @CaptainLackwit: Indeed!

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Raydio: To me this screams earlier KATIA, because of the green dress, fur color, braids, and background. This looks like a sandy environment. Hammer fell has lots of sand in it.
Of course the last one is an assumption, but combined with the rest, it makes a solid case that this is Katia and not rajirra

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Sashimi: @Raydio: Except it was commissioned as Rajirra. But yeah, the color is a bit more Katia.

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Raydio: @Sashimi I might make an edit and change the fur color to see what that does...

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Sashimi: @Raydio: I await the result.

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Raydio: I'll prolly keep it in this thread: how do I comment a photo? I've seen it done b4

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Raydio: Totally didn't copy madmanransom by breaking the fourth wall here. Nope.Nnot at all.

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Raydio: Also @Sashimi, you mentioned you were writing a story? Any idea where I could read that? It sounds really interesting...

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Sashimi: @Raydio:
I'm still writing it, it's become much longer then I imagined.

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Raydio: Keep us updated man. Maybe even post it on the booru? I have always wanted to read into rajirra

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Enheldor: Man, this bartender picture looks great!

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Kazerad: @Enheldor: W O W

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Raydio: @enheldor Oh come on this can't be the bartender, he would ever wear a green outfit!

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Sashimi: @Enheldor: Seriously?

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Sashimi: @Raydio: Once I'm done writing, it's gonna need a pretty big edit to release it for public consumption.

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Sashimi: I just want to say for the record that I'm so pleased with this pic, I think Kaz really outdid himself and I couldn't be happier with it. Thanks!

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AmericanPatriot: @Sashimi , where can I find this fanfiction you mention in the first comment? Is it not finished?