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Tags animation artist:Baz1S character:Quill-Weave Daedric_text fansnark reading text
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Rick2tails: thats how my off days from work seem to go
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Gobarski: I thought she was going to say Booze O'clock
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MetalC0Mmander: What do you mean "fansnark"? That is literally what happens to me sometimes.

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Baz1S: @MetalC0Mmander: coughcoughkazsprocrastinationcough

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Geravind: @Baz1S:
Моя опять типа за что-то взялся -- задумка ничё так, ток получается далеко не каждая мелочь с первого раза, делаю по мере хватки нервов ...можете пинать меня активнее.

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Baz1S: @Geravind: I'll keep it in england if you dont mind. So, what is exactly your "zadumka"? And the more important question - where is your critique? Am I getting better or you getting older?

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Geravind: @Baz1S:
Baz1S said:
I'll keep it in england if you don't mind.

Oh, Khajiit doesn't mind. You can keep it even in The Louvre... =^_^=
Baz1S said:
So, what is exactly your "zadumka"?

Ah... an extremely seductive kitty, of course! ...dammit.
Baz1S said:
...where is your critique?

*initializing deployment*
The green spot misses the right... spot a bit.
The eyes' size/positioning resulted in the eye-ear distance evaluation failure.
Argonians don't have natural night-eye installed... does that single wink mean full sleep?

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Baz1S: @Geravind: Damn, I need that edit button. I did want to say "englando".
Seductive kitties are always welcome by most of the prequel community but not by me. Not gonna pinat' you for that kind of art, I'm sorry.
Thanks for spotting mistakes. And nah, it's just a casual almost 3 hour long blink.
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SomeShadyGuy: Translated that daedric text and was glad to find out it was exactly what I expected.

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Toryu-Mau: Oi' Porcupine Dodger, ya missed the most important time O the day.
( Pours her an arsenic infused Mead )
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @SomeShadyGuy: what it translates to?
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Urglenurf: @Asperger_kitten_1337:

Book Title: Lusty Argonian
Book Text: Kaz update ??(L?)S
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Urglenurf: so it's not "how to seduce staigh women: a guide for lesbians"

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Geravind: @Baz1S:
Baz1S said:
Seductive kitties are always welcome by most of the Prequel community, not by me. I'm not gonna pinat' you for that kind of art, I'm sorry.

Many fall in the face of chaos, but not this one, not today.
This one just likes to tease those... ahem... "waifists" from time to time.

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Baz1S: @Urglenurf: @SomeShadyGuy:Thank you guys. I'm glad what I didn't spend 30 minutes for nothing.

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furnut: I also like how her shirt is just slightly open.

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Rick2tails: @furnut yeah just a bit of a tease there