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FuzzyZergling: MASTERPIECE.
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Gobarski: ..."it'll will last longer"... was that on purpose?
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MetalC0Mmander: I'd say something but I'm afraid it would encourage you to make more. Right now it's fine but it's only a matter of time with these fuckers... Anyway featured masterpiece when?

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Soadreqm: Sweet Kat and Hella-Weave

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GNFS: I told you about the hiatus bro

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Community: Thinking like a witch hunter. Upgrade

Community: This. Fuck go back
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picartosux: @GoodIdeasAreOverrated: You gotta meme it right:

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realbboy: This flawless masterpiece is a monument to the progress that purrgatory has instilled over the course of it's existence.

The attention to detail in this piece is astounding, it it merits comparison to the great works of Kazerad himself.

Take note of the careful pixelation of the images, how it starts ok, but then the lines descend and the image is embraced in fuzziness.

Admire how quill holds the camera, how her hands appear to actual hold the arcane device, and how it inducing the artifacts of .jpeg into the falling prequel images.

Behold the outline left behind as quill weave lowers her arms, with the insides carefully cut out, to depict the rapid jerking motion of the scaly authors fecund phalanges, how the reddish-orange argonian grasps the lensed device that so elegantly captures the light that bounced from the images of a sad cat.

And the image it produced it masterwork in quality, far surpassing human standards of beauty. Even the mightiest of internet trolls will fall victim to the cuteness that emanates from that image.

Triskeleion for Kazerad 2017! :P

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Toryu-Mau: And that, is how you irony.