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Tags artist:Kazerad Booze_O'Clock character:Quill-Weave Marksman
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bluedraggy: I am still fascinated by the idea of Quill-Weave playing an RPG. So I commissioned Kaz to draw her imaginary OC. I took quite a few liberties in deciding the colors to use here, but I figured skinny snek style would be most appropriate. I also spent way too long shading various lizard boobs and probably ruined them by overthinking - but it's fun to overthink lizard boobs. So here's QW's own headcannon OC. Sorta a wonder woman archer vibe.

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bluedraggy: Dammit forgot Quills chest pattern. Again!

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bluedraggy: New and improved: https://media.tumblr.com/a51841057e5c995904ecf54b4e2afb2a/tumblr_inline_ovejxaFOYG1sn6wro_raw.png
If some mod feels like fixing that for me, I'd be ever so grateful!

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Rick2tails: I wonder what creatures are in the monster manual?

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Dugar: @Rick2tails: Same ones in Tamriel?
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Nafaalilargus: Super tiny dice

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Kazerad: @Dugar: But then it would be historical fiction, not fantasy roleplaying!

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Sashimi: Nice Draggy! So does this mean you draw as well or just do the coloring?

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bluedraggy: Couldn't draw a stick figure Sashimi. I'm not even good at coloring, but I do enjoy doing them anyway. I (used to) pay Kaz to draw coloring books for me essentially.
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Millie: I like that the DM is staring right at her OC thought bubble. Looks like Quill ain't the only one who enjoys lizard boobs

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Rick2tails: well lizard boobs are the next best thing to khajiit boobs ^_^

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realbboy: @Millie: If I remember correctly, Quill-Weave's gay-dar confirmed he was gay in a side story. I guess he could be bi or the gay-dar marked him as the slang meaning of the word, 'lame'

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bluedraggy: From a fan on another site: She's fantasizing about having an enhanced 4096 x 4096 texture and and a customized DMRA-GUTS body-type :3

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Sashimi: @bluedraggy: Whaaat? You say you're not good at coloring? But you did this and it looks great.

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realbboy: @Sashimi: Artists pretty much universally think their work is terrible in comparison to others. For instance Kazarad thinks his art is terrible and doesn't understand why anyone would commission him.

This can be applies to other forms of content as well, self-deprecation is a hallmark of quality art, likely because the increased self-introspection leads to higher rates of evaluating an figuring out how to improve your work.

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AMKitsune: @realbboy: Perhaps there's some truth to the statement, but the part about 'self-deprecation is a hallmark of quality art' just really rubs me the wrong way. Sure, it's often the case that artists can be the harshest critics of their own work, but to link how 'good' a piece is to how 'bad' the artist feels about it/their abilities can't be a good way of looking at things. Sometimes artists are overly critical of their works, sometimes they're not. That doesn't necessarily have any baring on the ability of the artist.

@bluedraggy: Shut up Bluedraggy, your colourings are good and I doubt you can convince us otherwise.

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Toryu-Mau: Oops, Critical Fail.
And DM is not feeling generous this session.
Rest in pieces, Snek OC.

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realbboy: @AMKitsune: I'm not saying how they feel about a specific piece correlates to the quality of that piece, just that self-deprecation is a mindset that, if it doesn't discourage them entirely, leads to more critical examination of their art, which improves their art.

Such an artist would be more likely to be open to criticism than a egocentric artist.

As will all things, you do get exceptions who think they're the best thing in the world, and god's gift to humanity, and still manage to produce higher quality art.