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Raydio: Yeah... idk about this one. I’ve seen worse on here, but this still pushes it. I've never made lewd art before and don't think I ever want to again. Also, mark your calendars because september 18th is national rajirra day!

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Sashimi: Marked and double marked!
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Asperger_kitten_1337: what is the national Rajirra day about?

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Raydio: @Asperger_kitten_1337 Anything and everything Rajirra.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Raydio: also selling her to radicalist furries?

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Raydio: @Asperger_kitten_1337 Why not??

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Lykozze: @Raydio: Suuure!
Good job with the picture, but why is rajirra day a national one? Can I still celebrate it? And how is it celebrated?

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bluedraggy: Traditionally you poke your spear through a door handle in most countries.

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Raydio: @Lykozze The National Rajirra Association (NRA) states that "All other nations may also partake in the celebration of all Rajirra activities on September eighteenth. Such activities may or may not include: posting Rajirra fanart, making unholy fanart (Rajirra), spreading inappropriate khajiit puns and stereotypes, sacrificing a virgin (in the name of Rajirra), shitposting, and many more activities. The NRA is not responsible for any offended persons on September eighteenth as it relates to Rajirra."

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Rick2tails: not bad even if she is kind of a bitch

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Sashimi: I bet it's a hint for me to post my story, eh?

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bluedraggy: The timing's right! Or on Sept. 18th.

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Raydio: @bluedraggy @Sashimi A story about rajirra on rajirra day would be kinda perfect tbhhh

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Sashimi: @Raydio: Yep, but I don't know if I can get the edit version done in time though.

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Sashimi: @Raydio: Technically, we could all be furries on this site, at least according to some definitions that say just being a fan of anthropomorphic animals qualifies.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Sashimi: or, you know, inventing furriness levels

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Raydio: @sashimi @asperger_kitten_1337
There are levels, I believe, and every person on planet earth is on some form of level. There's the extreme level of dressing up, then there's the most basic which is simply liking looney toons characters or something.
I really despised furries but this comic kinda changed my attitude. I don't classify myself as a furry however, since I still find the culture very taboo and strange. Also, I wouldn't classify prequel as a "furry comic" since there's plenty of reason to enjoy it without being on any high tier furry shit (which is why I got into it).
Wow, I just typed way more than I think I should I'm going to just end it there.

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Raydio: ^Oh and in continuation of what I just said: yes this image DOES NOT help me when I say I will never classify as a furry. I made this because I have never drawn the female anatomy in a finalized form (in rough drafts, but not final products), so I thought "Why not create a drawing of character ____?" So I picked Rajirra.

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AMKitsune: @Raydio: Honestly, I hate the term simply because of its generalised application and negative connotation. As you say, the term tends to be applied to people regardless of how 'into' their interests they are. In my mind, it's as useless and harmful a term as if all people who enjoyed watching sports were called 'sporties', but the term was mostly associated with the sorts of sports fans that get drunk and violent. Sure, they exist, but it's hardly fair to group all sports fans together under the same banner as them. As far as I'm concerned, the same goes for 'furries' (but less a case of being bundled with aggressive fanatics and more-so 'sexual deviants' and other such 'weirdos').

Sure, I get that people tend to generalise things they don't have much of an understanding of, and that's just a natural human way of processing information, but my god can it be inaccurate and needlessly detrimental.

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Raydio: @AMKitsune It's kind of a stereotype then: assumption that all prequel readers are furries, and a stereotype that anyone who likes personified bipedal animal characters (like, idk, katia), are perverted weirdos. But of course, stereotypes always stem from example...

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Sashimi: I know it can be a really touchy subject for many folks, and I'm certainly not calling anybody anything, I've only recently heard of what "Furries" were, or more accurately the varied definitions. From another site:There's a long-running joke among the furry community. "Ask nine furries what Furry means, and you'll get twelve answers." There doesn't seem to be a universal consensus on the meaning. It saddens me that there is such a negative connotation to the term, like as soon as the word is mentioned, visions of fursuited deviants come to peoples minds. Now if we go by the belief that just liking anthro art makes one a furry, well then I qualify cause I like anthro art and I loves them furry feministas! And if that makes me furry, so be it. Doesn't bother me.
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A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Why is everyone taking this so seriously.

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Raydio: @A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Rajirra day or the debate about stereotypes

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Rick2tails: this is the internet..EVERYTHING is SERIES BIZNIZ on the interbutts !

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Sashimi: @A_racist_slur_against_Khajits: Because the term "Furry" tends to....ruffle some peoples feathers! Ha, hoo! (Slaps knee)
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lllxBL4ZExlll: wHAT
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Sam2: means Rajirra's birthday is September 18

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KuroNeko: Everytime I see this image, I can't help but wonder what made Raydio change his mind about lewd art.