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Radian: Questionable mark totally ruined nice thumbnail :(

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Rick2tails: well at least the main picture is very nice

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Radkey: Katia channels her inner human spirit: Reggie Fils-Aimé.
Noice art!

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furnut: my body is ready for her body.

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Geravind: В районе щиколоток и запястий признаки корпруса...
"Катя, беги в Tel Fyr и зарази того мудака на последок!"

Плечики настолько заузил, что они голове уже не сильно соответствуют. Размер грудной клетки уапшэ страшный.
Вообще какая-то странная метаморфоза линейностей и размерностей от низа к верху.
По положению глаз -- голова чуть накренена влево, по уфкам... -- нет.
...Не пляшет, крч.

"Сволочь... опять ты вылез и всё испоганил! Иди своё доделывай, ленивая жопа -- будь художником, б..!" =^_^=
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Streetwind: When this particular moment happened in the flash game, I found myself exclaiming "Katia NO! You're supposed to be a sneak thief, not a streak thief!"

...But I guess it's hard to shed her slutcat instincts after so many years :p
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Asperger_kitten_1337: but isn't the paint supposed to be wearing off?

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Radian: @Geravind: Хотел немного приукрасить формы :(
Зато хвост не километровый :^)

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Geravind: @Radian: Да, хвостик якши.
И выражение мордахи лица интересное -- вроде, inspired ...но параллельно в чём-то ещё сомневается (в Казерадности ожидающих её событий?).

=o_o= ...непреодолимое желание почухать ей пузико. (DO NOT put this string into g-t -- that drunken zombie lies to you!)

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bluedraggy: Proves that Questionable art can still be a featured masterpiece. This is both and I congratulate the brave soul who put it there.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @bluedraggy: yes, but the questionable cover doesnt appear

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Radian: @Asperger_kitten_1337: I think this is the reason why it got featured.

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Francix: those legs
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Radian: yes, i agree, very smexy

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Sashimi: Ooo,la,la!

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Toryu-Mau: Scandalous, I say!
Invisible streaker, They say!

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Kazerad: @Radian: The exact conversation surrounding it was:

Kaz: I kind of want to feature that new pic by Radian, but it feels so cliche to do, like giving Meryl Streep an oscar
Grape: there, now you don't have to

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Geravind: @Kazerad: Yay!
@Radian: Купайся в лучах славы ...и швыряй их в море! (будешь дико рачить -- покусаю наф)
Молодца, рад за тебя. :3

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Radian: @Kazerad: :O
you make me blush

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bluedraggy: True story: when I graduated high school, I won the Math and Science awards. (small school tho, not bragging.) My art teacher told me I would have won that too, but they gave it to someone else since I already won those others. Still pisses me off to this day. A featured masterpiece is just that, regardless of how much Radian looks like Meryl Streep. :)

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Geravind: Мда... по сравнению с тем, что сейчас накидывают , мне эта работа уже кажется ёпта-шедевром!

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GNFS: dun dun dun dum, cla-chik bu-beep boop
Oruzhie ubral!