Only fools seek to voice their distaste. Enlightened beings use the blacklist to shun such distractions.


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Raydio: My second ever animation with mouth sync/body movements :D

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Sashimi: HOLY SMOKES! I kinda freaked when I saw the animation at first. Awesome dude!

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Toryu-Mau: ... Yes, offering your own shirt to poor defenseless naked citizen is JUSTICE.
Beautiful JUSTICE Everywhere. >):^]
Both thumbs up, and would take shirt off for this again.

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Raydio: @Toryu-Mau @Sashimi: Thanks for the support on this!
Making animation off photoshop is terrible, and I can’t learn flash until I have CC or something cause Cs6 feels like it was made in the 90’s

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Toryu-Mau: @Raydio: ... Yeah... Adobe has been sadly falling behind the times in recent years. ]^':(<
Most 2D animators in the scene these days would agree it's better to switch ship to Toon Boom before flash fades into antiquity.
PS: Animating in Photoshop is the equivalent of attempting to eat mushroom soup with a fork!
Makes people want to spoon their eyeballs out. >)X^D

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EggEggEggEgg: @Toryu-Mau: if you have a spoon to spoon your eyeballs out, why are you eating soup with a fork?

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Raydio: @EggEggEggEgg @Toryu-Mau: yes...... how does one spoon their eyes out with a fork...?

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Rick2tails: animation is never easy. nice to see katia talking there

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Raydio: @Rick2tails: Right? I’ve never seen her mouth articulate actually lip sync, so I guess I’m the first? ‘:^

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Sashimi: I'd like to see more animations!