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Sashimi: I think I can die happy now! My first questionable post, Yay! Thank you Kaz for this wonderful addition for the story!
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lllxBL4ZExlll: Heyy.. thats purr-ty good

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Geravind: Awww. =*_*=
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Asperger_kitten_1337: draw me like on of your royal kitties
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Asperger_kitten_1337: *one

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GNFS: cute

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Rick2tails: damn sexy !

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Sashimi: @Rick2tails: I thought you might like this one!

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Sashimi: Direct tie in to this

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Sashimi: http://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/4420

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CaptainLackwit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Te7goyAnzAQ
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Asperger_kitten_1337: but the question is: are they going to have sex inside a horse wagon?

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Sashimi: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Technically It's a carriage, not a wagon,so way nicer, LOL! And I think it's safe to infer from the pic what comes next.

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Kazerad: @Sashimi: I don't actually know anything about horses. If the person who is in front driving the wagon climbs in back, does the horse continue following the road on autopilot? Or is there like a cruise control thing you can do with the whip? I am only familiar with airplanes and cars.

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Sashimi: @Kazerad: Well I hate to say that I'm not too familiar with horses myself, but there was an incident here last winter where the driver of a horse drawn wagon suffered a heart attack, and the horses took off uncontrollably. The driver and several passengers were injured in the forray. I've also found an example of a horse taking off in city traffic but it actually stopped and waited for cars, so it must depend on how they are trained and the environment in which they are accustomed. I should find an Amish person when I'm in Wisconsin next week and ask them. LOL!

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Geravind: @Kazerad: All depends on horses' software -- they can continue moving (even avoiding obstacles) and/or stop after a while, either they can take you to hell in a minute... -- Lady Rajirra can wait, watch the road, fellow ...or choose a right spot to stop before tending her. =>_>=

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Kazerad: @Geravind: Horses are so confusing, I can see why we invented cars.
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Streetwind: Somehow I am less curious about what's going to happen after this, and more about what happened that led to this situation. She had such a beautfil dress before, and suddenly she's buck naked in public. Aaaawkward.

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Geravind: @Streetwind: Furrst of all, where do you see public? Maybe, she made a bet with someone that she'll make a "wild ride" under moonlight... Maybe, she always wanted to seduce that coachman (do not repeat IRL). Maybe, she's a vampire, luring a prey...
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Geravind: girls with dicks isn't the only sexual trap

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Sashimi: @Streetwind: What led to this particular scene is after the events in the dancing pic, in which she's an honorary guest at a town festival, she has an argument with her significant other and storms off. Later that evening he tracks her down, and eventually they do make up. This is however the first time being intimate since the loss of her first born, so she is having feeling of guilt.

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furnut: Katia is best pony

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furnut: @furnut: dammit. i mean ragjerrahg.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @furnut: this has nothing to with ponies...?

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Enheldor: @Asperger_kitten_1337: Horses, ponies, same thing.

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MrCoopy: Why is nobody discussing the tiny sliver of a nipple we can see?

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Odes: @MrCoopy: because thats an odd thing to "discuss"
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @MrCoopy: yup, that's 12 barely visible pink pixels

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Sashimi: @MrCoopy: Just enough to make it lewd!
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Sykes: Can I get some context for this?

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Sashimi: @Sykes: See my reply to streetwind.
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Sykes: @Sashimi Is there any way to be linked this fic?

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Sashimi: @Sykes: Not as of yet, it's still a work in progress.
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Meow-mix-king-44: @Kazerad why is Rajirra naked in the woods?

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Sashimi: @Meow-mix-king-44: This is a pic kaz did for a fanfic story of mine. My above reply to Streetwind gives the explanation behind this scene.

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DOOMGUY11: Beautiful khajiit