DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Betray your fellow mortals by reporting violated rules. Your continued existence is your only reward. Image Uploader tuf_, December 21, 2017; 18:02 Tags character:Katia_Managan Minecraft pixel_art portrait screenshot Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible December 21, 2017; 18:02 - Reply tuf_: I spent another 6hrs. on this December 21, 2017; 18:49 - Reply LuminosityXVII: Duuuuude :D December 21, 2017; 22:02 - Reply PermanentFace: You probably need a better way to spend your time. December 21, 2017; 23:24 - Reply lllxBL4ZExlll: @PermanentFace: It only takes 30 seconds to upload a picture to an app that creates this December 22, 2017; 00:02 - Reply Mikeyboi: Holy crap u got TALENT December 22, 2017; 11:21 - Reply DoubleTapMaster: Actually @lllxBL4ZExlll is right. December 22, 2017; 15:38 - Reply Pineapplekat: @lllxBL4ZExlll: yea but he actually did this by hand i was watching him the whole time lol December 22, 2017; 22:11 - Reply PermanentFace: @Pineapplekat: You, too, probably need a better way to spend your time. December 24, 2017; 13:20 - Reply tuf_: @PermanentFace: I could either do this, or build model kits. Both take a lot of time, but I built this for other people's enjoyment. December 24, 2017; 13:21 - Reply Pineapplekat: @PermanentFace: And you could probably not be so rude to people that are just trying to enjoy their time? December 24, 2017; 14:24 - Reply tuf_: @lllxBL4ZExlll: I could but I still have to build it and put into the game and I had to scale the image down anyways. December 24, 2017; 21:25 - Reply PermanentFace: @Pineapplekat: I understand too well how addictive such projects can be. I'm offering this advice in good faith, and without any intent to cause offense. December 29, 2017; 14:38 - Reply lllxBL4ZExlll: Why does it seem cropped? Surely you did not place down each and every block? December 30, 2017; 21:58 - Reply tuf_: @lllxBL4ZExlll: I did
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