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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Rick2tails: what a lovely sight!

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Sashimi: Woo dang!

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madmanransom: Came out nice in the end. Good work, Ray.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: yes, that is ASS

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Kazerad: Is this really that questionable? Quick, give opinions.

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LuminosityXVII: Hoo boy.

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Mikeyboi: @Rick2tails: indeed it is man

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Sashimi: @Kazerad: Well, this is unquestionably delightful!

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Radian: @Kazerad: I see little part of tittie...
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Radian: congratulation, you aren't blind

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fastolaf: Wouldn't her normal painted-on underwear be more questionable since she's technically naked and here she's clothed?
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Asperger_kitten_1337: source: gaydio
there are no grills in teh interwebs?

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Raydio: @Kazerad: I mean, always better safe than sorry, right?

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Rick2tails: @kazerad its not questionable really to me but there is some really uptight people aboout anything showing off Katia in a sexual manner that isnt completely played off for pg rated laughs. for some with "delicate senseabilities" its better safe then sorry

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Makkon: two cents that contribute to nothing, but I like talking about this subject. If we're looking for a point of reference here, I think the candy-cane picture is leagues more questionable than this (no offense Skoon), even though it features no nudity. The "appropriateness" of things can't be quantified into percentages of specific body parts visible. Context and intent is everything. Sure, the intent behind this one is still obviously horny, but it's quite a bit more tasteful juxtaposed to stand-out entries in the booru.

Anyways, do what you're comfortable with. Nice rendering.

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PermanentFace: I checked back at the original terms and conditions page, and return now with the following commentary:

The questionable tag is meant to describe anything suggestive. It is NOT meant to describe pornography, because pornography shouldn't even be on this website. Our friend Katia provides an example of questionable art as maybe having a bit of nudity that isn't really explicit. This image contains a bit of nudity that isn't really explicit. Therefore, I conclude that our friend Katia would wish for us to tag this image 'questionable'.

Violence and strong language, incidentally, are condoned as non-questionable in the terms and conditions, in addition to anything "as tame (or tamer) than the comic itself." I would like to note that the comic itself does have a bit of nudity, but never to my recollection in an implicitly suggestive way.

It may be that Kazerad should just be allowed the final say and we should stop bickering about which images should be presented on the index with a pineapple over the front.

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Rick2tails: but it was Kaz that questioned the need for a questionable tag in the first place !
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Rick2tails: the nuke alarms are gonna go off soon

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PermanentFace: @Rick2tails: Then let Kaz's will be done!

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Pineapplekat: owo

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CaptainLackwit: Ahah. Somebody's a Fluff kevlar fan.

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Raydio: @CaptainLackwit:
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Asperger_kitten_1337: @Raydio: GAME OVER you were busted

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CandyDragon: This continues to be real quality content.