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Toxic: I never really thought about it until now, but Prequel deserves a lot more fans. Like, it's a miracle that it isn't way more popular than it is, if you ask me.

Anyways, these are all of the outfits (and lack there of) that will be seen in the beta.

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PermanentFace: It would probably be more popular if so many fans hadn't given up on it during the two year update famine.

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Rick2tails: its a great comic but the pacing and update schedule cant help it be more popular then it is I am afraid.
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Vinarto: I'm so happy that someone is making a prequel game. but i'm sad i'm not the one making it.

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Toxic: @Vinarto: If it makes you feel any better, I'm taking suggestions for elements in the game such as characters and items. So if anyone has any ideas for stuff, feel free to share them- I will consider everything.

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nwhisper: @Toxic what game engine is this being made in?

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nwhisper: @Toxic:

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Toxic: @nwhisper: Adobe Flash Pro CS6

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nwhisper: oh its a flash game?

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Toxic: @nwhisper: Probably the largest flash game in existence, yes.

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Toxic: @nwhisper: However I did figure out how to convert in into a .exe file so it could be a standalone game. I think you still need adobe flash installed though.