Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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bluedraggy: This is not the usual i-paint-a-drawing but is a real collaboration between me and FurNut we did yesterday. The primary change I wanted to try was his idea of soft shading 'behind' hard shading. I'd typically done one or the other but not both. I've also got a stabilizer now that helps smooth my lines out. Finally, as for why Rajirra is wearing Painted Underwear - see this short fanfiction: http://bdprequel.tumblr.com/post/171235159540/rajirra-beachpaintwear that goes along with it.

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bluedraggy: Oh wait, that's right - we can post fanfiction directly now. Off to make that happen.

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Rick2tails: even without context..I approve of this!

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Rick2tails: with context I`d say she looks too friendly here.She should be looking down her nose at the viewer with a smug "i`m better then you" look on her face

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LuminosityXVII: Prettyyyyy

The idea of doing soft shading underneath the hard shadows intrigues me. Looks like it worked out pretty well.

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Radian: @bluedraggy: Soft shading + hard shading is good thing. Next you may blend borders of hard shading (with some bristle blender brush). Also you may add some bounce\reflective light to shaded areas.
I hope you remember my and Poma's critique?

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bluedraggy: Burned permanently into my memory Radian.

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Sashimi: This...this right here...it has made my day!!!

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CandyDragon: @Sashimi: Agreed

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CandyDragon: I like how the pineapple fits snugly inside of Katia's line work. Like a pineapple vase.

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CandyDragon: @CandyDragon: I mean, not-katia. Rajirra. I knew I was forgetting something.

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LuminosityXVII: @CandyDragon: ...Pineapple...?

Alright, what am I missing here.

I see no pineapple.

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Sashimi: @LuminosityXVII: The pineapple overlay for the "questionable" tag.

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CandyDragon: @LuminosityXVII: All I can imagine is you reading my comment, and then scouring the image in futility for a pineapple inside Rajirra's linework that isn't even there haha lmao.

No, Sashimi is right, I was talking about the questionable pineapple overlay.

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LuminosityXVII: @Sashimi: @CandyDragon:




...That is exactly what happened.

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Sashimi: @LuminosityXVII: Oh, you went on an errant pineapple hunt? Well, the bright side is you got to look long and hard a a lovely pic!