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Sashimi: Return of saucy kat!

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Kazerad: It's my fault this is covered with sauce. The original had censor bars instead, and I got into a long discussion with the other moderators about whether that was allowed.


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CandyDragon: @Kazerad: This is arguably worse. If unsexy was the goal then mission accomplished. Unless someone has a food fetish, which I know some people do. Then this is actually better than the last one.

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_Noxygen_: Look at what you've done.

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Sashimi: Well ya know.....I do like hollandaise sauce....

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SrLupinotuum: why she seems to enjoy it so much?

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LuminosityXVII: Whaaaaaat the what.

I get done recommending hollandaise sauce to my friends (it's amazing on chicken & waffles), and two days later this happens.

I haven't had any other cause to think about the stuff in like a year.

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LuminosityXVII: In other news, I believe it may now be a while before I put hollandaise on anything.

Well played, Pocky, BA.

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Sashimi: @LuminosityXVII: This just in: Demand for hollandaise skyrockets. Lol.

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Rick2tails: Id rather go sweet like chocolate sauce or whipped cream then savory myself.But girl has fur and everybody knows how gross getting hair in your food is.I think in reality this wouldnt be as sexy as some think.

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Sashimi: @Rick2tails: True, but when the mood comes, one can overlook many things. And having a khajiit gf is inevitably going to involve a mouthful of fuzz.

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Flora_The_Herald_Of_Gai: That heart shape kills me lol
Reminds me of high school.

Kinda. My crew liked to draw shapes with food on each other. It was pretty weird.