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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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NothingShortOfBurning: "gg ez"
If you would like the individual components (mages guild, celebrating cat) for some reason, just direct message me.
Critique would be appreciated.

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AMKitsune: @NothingShortOfBurning: The way you drew and animated the fires really makes this feel like something straight out of the comic.

As far as critique goes, I'd have to suggest looking into things like her pose and proportions.
In this case, her legs being as close together as they are seem to suggest a somewhat calm and collected mood which contradicts her arms energetic, celebratory pose. I'd probably suggest for her to stand with a slightly wider stance.

Secondly, her legs feel a little shorter than they should be relative to her torso. (of her torso's a little longer compared to her legs. I'm not really good enough at this to say for certain XD). Lengthening her legs a bit and moving her knee-pad things to about knee height should help with that.

Thirdly, given the prominence/importance of fire and light in this picture, I'd personally suggest making the flames a little brighter. This is purely a personal opinion though, as I tend to prefer higher contrast in scenes like this. Make of that what you will.

Finally, continuing on the subject of light, given how much fire is in the image, Katia looks pretty much unlit by any or it. A little rim highlighting could help convey the intensity (and direction) of the light given off by the building in front of her.
If the light source was more singular in nature, I might also suggest having it cast a shadow behind Katia, but that wouldn't work too well in this situation and with this art style.

That's about it really. All in all this is pretty good rendition of a scene that I'm sure many of us would be happy to see come to pass XD.

(Sorry about the rushed edit job. Hopefully it gets my points across well enough)

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Rick2tails: burn it all down Katia! down to the ground!

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PermanentFace: I think it works with her legs together. It looks like she's walking forward. It's just a bit weird that she'd be walking toward the building she just (presumably) set on fire.

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NothingShortOfBurning: @AMKitsune: Thanks! Yeah, the animation for fire tried to mimic the stretch up-stretch down style of the comic. I'll make sure to take these into account when I start another one (I have a dumb joke image in the works and I guarantee it'll be really bad). Thanks for the compliment, too! Also, that edit image conveys your message! The visual aid really helps.

@PermanentFace: >tfw you forgot the letter