DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Deliver fleeting happiness to a fellow mortal. Comment on their works. Image Uploader SilentOrbweaver, May 24, 2018; 04:05 Tags artist:SilentOrbweaver character:Katia_Managan painted_underwear plain_background questionable skooma_is_a_hell_of_a_drug SneKat text very_casually_underdressed Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible May 24, 2018; 04:15 - Reply SilentOrbweaver: SneKat is confused about its own existence. I had to. May 24, 2018; 04:20 - Reply AMKitsune: Why 'are you a snek'? Or why 'do you technically have two tails'? Because it's apparently the in-thing at the moment, and I have no idea. May 24, 2018; 04:51 - Reply SilentOrbweaver: @AMKitsune: It's more like "Why am I like this?", which encompasses both questions. Also, Kaz confirmed snake people as canon in the last update, so I had to. May 24, 2018; 12:29 - Reply Rick2tails: because some magicians be pervy weirdos? May 24, 2018; 19:51 - Reply Mr_O: We need more SneKat! May 25, 2018; 06:04 - Reply PermanentFace: Akhajiitiviri May 25, 2018; 09:36 - Reply Un_Mapache: WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE June 12, 2018; 00:44 - Reply CandyDragon: Where_is_your_god_now June 12, 2018; 01:21 - Reply Sashimi: Gorgon ket! August 22, 2018; 04:12 - Reply DOOMGUY11: Hmm... yeah idk
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I had to.
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Or why 'do you technically have two tails'?
Because it's apparently the in-thing at the moment, and I have no idea.
Also, Kaz confirmed snake people as canon in the last update, so I had to.
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