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SilentOrbweaver: Holy heck, this is awesome!

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: Wow, it's a whole kit 'n kabbodle of Khajiit. And there's Katia trying not to let everyone know how out of place she feels.
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Millie: Where's Waldia Managan

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Rick2tails: I wanna visit there! does one need a passport?
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Streetwind: As much as I want Elder Scrolls 6 to be set in Elsweyr, this picture shows just a sliver of the immense difficulty of pulling that off properly. The sheer diversity of the khajiit in their native environment sounds fun when you read it in the novels, but is a giant headache for any games developer. And that's not even factoring in the fact that no Elder Scrolls title before has dared focusing on a society so utterly nonhuman - as amazingly alien as Morrowind was, even its residents are closer to human than the khajiit are. It's probably not something that can be done in a game without completely quarter-assing it (looking at you, ESO). Like, how do you even implement character creation for a species with at least sixteen different subraces, some of which might live in trees, might be exclusively quadruped, might vary from one to twelve feet in height, or might be unable to use language normally?

As such, I applaud Vikozlav for actually going there and daring to try a glimpse of the ethnic insanity that must be a larger khajiiti settlement... I can't imagine how much work this picture took.

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Vikozlav: @streetwind Thanks for the acknowledgement :3. I wanted to add more details on the background depicting more about Khajiit culture and the two moons that they praise a lot but I wanna go back to making comics aswell. I read Prequel from time to time to rewind my mind when it goes blank so I added Katia in the pic

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AMKitsune: It's a good thing this seems to be a desert environment, because can you imagine how strong the wet cat smell would be if it rained?

I also hold the firm belief that this place would have designated 'napping in the sun' areas where the people congregate to just stretch out and sleep under the midday sun.
Like a siesta, but more feline in nature.

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Sashimi: @Rick2tails: I second that! I'd love to visit that place. Awesome piece!

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Mezhik: Where they all stared awesome!
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Sunny: I spy with my little eye... two Khajiit who are a long way from Skyrim.

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Vidiotdragon: Tiny kittens in baskets!

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Kazerad: I think I'm gonna delete the other one, since it's just a way-less-cool version of this one. I was hoping this version would get posted, since I love the architecture on the left.

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Sashimi: Wow that I've seen this on a full screen, I really appreciate it more. This is great, and I can only imagine the time involved in it's creation.

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Sashimi: @Sashimi: Damn, that's supposed to start with "Now", but that's what I get for commenting while falling asleep.But definitely wow!

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PermanentFace: I like that merchant in the green shirt there at the bottom, trying to catch the eye of a young alfiq that's wandering past.

Elsweyr is crazy.

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ReynaldKhei: damn.. Elsweyr looks like an awesome place

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Toryu-Mau: ... Please tell me Elder Scroll 6 is going to take place in Elsweyr.
It is the dream of our people! >):'^D

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Toryu-Mau: @Sashimi: ...This is what I imagine paradise looks like... I could bask in it's glory for hours, M8. c^:(<

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Jadezzar: This gonna give me legit reason to play as Khajiit, if there's ES : Elsewyr

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Libron: @Toryu-Mau:
According to the teaser, it's anything but Elsweyr. Sorry...

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Toryu-Mau: @Libron: ... Oh Talos, why? ( Drops to knees ) >):'^c
Now they will make a mobile game of micro transactions littered with cat memes about it! D^':(<

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OgTariq: i spy with my little eye VanRippers two khajiits

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KuroNeko: So many Katias did she learn a cloning spell or something?

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Zargothrax: Can't believe I've missed this. It's epic!