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Uploader AMKitsune,
Tags artist:Kazerad beach character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave magnus swimsuit
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AMKitsune: A little while ago, Kazerad posted a quick picture of Katia presenting two options for a theoretical follow-up picture on 4chan. A bucket for her to build a sandcastle, or an inflated inner-tube for her to go swimming. I wanted to see her build something, but a sandcastle seemed far too 'regal' for her tastes, so she built a nice respectable sandhouse instead. (Well, respectable to us perhaps. Quill doesn't seem particularly impressed with Katia's weird ways)

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Rick2tails: a sand3bedroomranchhouse with attached garage ?

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AMKitsune: @Rick2tails: Gotta have some place to park your sandcar, right?

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Vidiotdragon: Yeah but the neighbors are really crabby and you can't get flood insurance.

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Kazerad: @Rick2tails: Come on, there is NO way that has three bedrooms.
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YeOldeCuckolde: @Kazerad: Maybe it has one in the basement, and another one in the garage. Maybe the car isn't even supposed to go inside the garage. It would still make sense right?

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Sashimi: @Kazerad: Someone sleeps in the sandshed out back.

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Toryu-Mau: @Sashimi: There's a stranger living in the attic and no one's noticed yet somehow. >):^[

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DOOMGUY11: *Destroys sandcatsle*

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DOOMGUY11: "Cat-sle" get it?