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YaoiPigeon: Extremely rushed picture of my hopes that Dmitri is alive and well and his bff Katia visits him in the hospital during his recovery and brings him pictures of his cats.

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Kazerad: Where did Katia get 8 friends!

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asotil120: in my opinion he is very dead, in the end, only he could return and as a zombie servant.
being that if he returns to a chance of Asotil to kill him for being a necromancer.

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scoopski: @Kazerad: Doing unspeakable things to a pineapple in the middle of the town square might've increased her popularity a bit?
I mean like, it is pretty much the only reason she and QW are friends.

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Sashimi: @Kazerad: There was that one time,well, multiple times at the bar.....We probably shouldn't go into details though.

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Toryu-Mau: ... Yes, it is a scientifically proven fact that hugs make life threatening injuries heal faster. c^:(<

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Gren: A Neck-Romancer sustained a neck wound? Spicy!

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Toryu-Mau: @Gren: ... ( Stands up to applaud. ) >):'^]