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Uploader YaoiPigeon,
Tags character:Katia_Managan character:Stephane comic modern_clothing text
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YaoiPigeon: ok but am i the only person in the world who ships Stephane and Katia?? ok cool heres a modern au where theyre on a date
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Millie: I uwu this

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Rick2tails: she can uwu me all she wants

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Toryu-Mau: ... The uwu is is strong in this one. >)':^]

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Gren: @YaoiPigeon: And I must be the only person who ship her with Gaius. Their interactions are pretty darn funny and plus he has mage beard! Also, SWORDDOG!

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Gren: He's like 40+ dude... worst ship

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damrok4321: I ship her with me :V

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Gren: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: First off, we don't know his actual age. Even if he's that old I fail to see the problem. But I feel somehow you're trying to tell me that shipping Katia with a middle aged white man is any worst than pair her with a lesbian lizard or a necrophiliac black dude.

It's not as if all the other characters that people tend to ship her with are any younger either. Stephane is likely the only exception who I assume is in his late twenties (and that's still a huge gap since Katia is 19/20). QW, Gahrug and ASOTIL are surely over 30. Dmitri is old enough to have grey hair. Nah has been around at least since the second era.
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YeOldeCuckolde: i ship this now
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YaoiPigeon: @Gren: Gaius x Katia is pretty cute tbh! I do enjoy their dynamic!!!

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Un_Mapache: Not gonna lie, I don't know who that Stephane is.

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Jadezzar: @Un_Mapache He's, uh, member of Kvatch Mage Guild, beside Sigrid.

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Raydio: @YeOldeCuckolde: I support this too