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Uploader DOOMGUY11,
Tags character:bartender character:Katia_Managan monochrome romance sketch stranger_danger text
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DOOMGUY11: My first time in a long time drawing criticism will be appreciated

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Rick2tails: why? because youre both cute! this is rough but the characters are recognizable. just keep practicing

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Jadezzar: @DOOMGUY11: It's very nice, actually. Wish I could do as good yours.

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DOOMGUY11: Thanks guys! Just practice, ok!

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Toryu-Mau: ... Constructive criticism was requested, so here it is, brace for impact~ hold onto the table or something, M8. >):^D
First of all, it would seem the construction lines were a bit too loose and lenient on the basic shapes that form each body part, especially noticeable on the bartender's arm, and inconsistent length for apposing limbs, most likely the result of foreshortening being incorrect, but that would improve as soon as you get a good grasp on imagining how the 3D cylinder and a ball joint that makes up the limb would look at different angles. The sphere that makes up the snout would make more sense if they were closer to the sphere that makes up the head, which would look more natural if they were rounder, and neck was placed a bit more forward at the base of the head. And the last bit is a big one, the nose line is placed far too low, giving it a droopy look, make the top of the nose more level with the base of the eye line.
I hope my jabbering has actually helped in some way and not confuzzled ya further.
Now then, back to the canvas, eh? >):^]

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DOOMGUY11: I got confused at first but reading more than once helped and yes the nose make me laugh no lie, but it's my first time back and so far I gotten better because of you

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DOOMGUY11: This was a warm up, but in the process I got a cramp, just got to keep doing it thx again

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Toryu-Mau: @DOOMGUY11: ... Happy to hear this mad hatter's jabbering has helped a growing artist~ c^:(<
Look up some wrist flexibility excercise on the net, and wear compression band on the wrist, it helps the arm glide on the paper smoother and prevent cramps. >):^]